10 Tips for Finding Life Purpose

Most people go through their days on autopilot without giving much attention to what they want to do with their lives or what they are passionate about. If you are one of them, you may be struggling to find meaning in your life, feeling unfulfilled and burdened by day-to-day stresses.

You may also feel anxious and tired and lose interest in things you normally enjoy. This puts you at risk for burnout, a state of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion caused by long-term stress.

Research shows that having a sense of purpose and meaning in life can protect your health and increase longevity.i In other words, finding a purpose in life is the key to living a happy, fulfilled life.

The following are some suggestions to help you find your purpose in life and become the best version of yourself.

  1. Set Achievable Goals

Goals add structure and a sense of purpose to life. A clear vision of where you want your life to go may inspire you, allow you to stay focused on the skills you wish to gain, and increase your chances of success.

  1. Visualize What You Want to Achieve

Visualization, or mental rehearsal, is the practice of creating images in your mind, imagining yourself successfully performing a specific activity.

Studies have shown that visualization can motivate us, improve confidence, and help us achieve our goals by allowing us to focus on our abilities.ii

  1. Find a Job You Love

You might be really good at what you do and even get highly compensated for it. However, do you love what you do?

According to surveys, the majority of Americans are not enthusiastic about their occupations or they are even dissatisfied with them.iii

Job dissatisfaction may impact your health, productivity, and relationships. For example, being in a job you hate or performing duties you find difficult can lead to exhaustion, anxiety, burnout, and other mental and physical health problems.

Taking the time to reflect on your needs, objectives, beliefs, talents, and limitations may help you become more aware of the work you like and how to establish a successful career path.

  1. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Life in a modern society encourages us to compare ourselves to others, seek validation from strangers on social media, and feel inadequate if we do not conform to our culture's ideals (of beauty, success, wealth – you name it). Excessive social media use, FOMO (fear of missing out), and the need to constantly compare ourselves to others can make us insecure, unhappy, sad, frustrated, and lonely.

Also, the need to continually compare yourself to others might make it challenging to be content with your life and find purpose in it. So, instead of using others to reflect on your own success and well-being, become conscious of your values and uniqueness.

  1. Surround Yourself with People who Inspire You

Social connection is one of the innate human needs. Having a strong social network and meaningful relationships is a big part of feeling like your life has a purpose.

Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you can prevent loneliness, reduce stress, and help you become the best version of yourself. In addition, spending time with people you care about can increase your sense of belonging and boost your self-esteem.

Studies suggest an epidemic of loneliness across generations nowadays.iv According to research, feelings of loneliness and isolation increase the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol levels that are too high have been linked to anxiety, depression, heart disease, and cancer, among other mental and physical illnesses.

Positive people share your joy, encourage your growth, and provide comfort through difficult times. So, surrounding yourself with inspiring and positive people can help you cope with the effects of stress, improve your mood, and increase your sense of meaning and purpose in life.

  1. Discover Your Passion in Life

Things that we are passionate about give our lives purpose. The more interests and hobbies you pursue, the more significant your life becomes, which keeps you going, helps strike a work-life balance, and motivates you to live a more fulfilled life. So, looking for what you love and discovering your passion in life may open the door to new opportunities and give your life a new meaning.

  1. Volunteer

Volunteering gives people a feeling of making a difference, providing a sense of purpose in life.

Volunteering in your local community can also be a great opportunity to meet inspiring people and develop strong social connections. In addition, studies show that it can improve your mood, health, and longevity.v

  1. Build Conscious Relationships

Conscious, thriving relationships give a sense of purpose to our lives. People in conscious relationships feel seen, heard, and appreciated. They aren't afraid to be vulnerable with one another, which leads to mutual understanding, trust, love, and support.

In conscious partnerships, both partners are free to be themselves while simultaneously trying to learn and understand one another on a deeper level. They are committed to growth and share similar values and relationship goals, which contributes to a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

  1. Make Gratitude a Daily Practice

Years of gratitude research have confirmed the numerous advantages of gratitude.vi A regular gratitude practice can rewire the brain, allowing it to focus on all the positive things in our lives.

So, writing down three things you feel thankful for each morning is a simple activity that can help you acknowledge the positive aspects of your life and feel more hopeful, optimistic, and confident.

  1. Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion entails a self-acceptance and self-kindness perspective. It means approaching yourself with the kindness and compassion you would offer a loved one. Self-compassion can teach you to focus on yourself in times of distress and become more resilient.


Finding a life purpose can guide you, give you a sense of stability, and help build resilience, so you bounce back more quickly after adversity.

So, now and then, take the time to consciously observe what you're doing and consider if you're on the right track to finding your life's purpose.

Focus on your needs, wants, strengths, and ambitions as your inner compass that will help you find your purpose in life.







ii https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5351796/



iii https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2016/10/06/3-how-americans-view-their-jobs/



iv https://www.addictioncenter.com/news/2019/08/gen-z-loneliest-generation/



v https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5504679/



vi https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_gratitude_changes_you_and_your_brain




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